Заполните пробелы, используя глаголы, приведенные ниже, в форме простого прошедшего вреmeни (clean, die, enjoy, end, happen, live, open, play, rain, smoke, start, stay, want, watch):
1. Yesterday evening I _ TV. 2. I only _ my teeth four times last week. 3. Bruce 20 cigarettes yesterday evening. 4. The concert last night_ at
7.30 and at 10 o’clock. 5. The accident last Sunday afternoon. 6. When I was a child I to be a doctor. 7. Mozart _ from 1756 to 1791. 8. We our holiday last week. 9. Today the weather is nice, but yesterday it 10. It was hot in the room, so I the window. 11. The weather was good yesterday afternoon, so we tennis.